Why the name Bookstormers?
In the 1920s, Barnstormers was the name given to aviation aficionados who crisscrossed the country in small planes, hoping to promote enthusiasm for flying. In the 1940s, Barnstormers were baseball teams who crisscrossed the country, visiting small towns, in order to promote a love of baseball. So we see ourselves as ‘book barnstormers’ - hoping to promote a love of and passion for reading, hence: Bookstormers!
How do I know if my school is a Title I school?
Check with your school’s administration. They should be able to tell you if your school has been designated a Title I school.
How can I sign my school up for a Bookstormer visit?
Fill out our School Visit Application and email it to Bookstormer.Foundation@gmail.com. We’ll keep it on file for possible future visits!
Can non-Title I schools sign up for author visits through this site?
Currently, the Bookstormer Foundation only works with Title I schools - but Copperfield’s books tries to visit as many schools as they can! You can reach out to them regarding a regular school visit at copperfields.petaluma@gmail.com.